HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

A markup language that web browsers use to display text, links, images and other media

Created by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in Switzerland in the early 90s so researchers could create and share documents

HTML Syntax

<a href="">
  Go to Wikipedia

Opening tag <a>

Closing tag, </a>

Content in between, Go to Wikipedia

Attributes inside the opening tag, href=""

Collectively, we call this an element

HTML Syntax

<a href="" target="_blank">
  <img src="/wikipedia.jpg" alt="Go to Wikipedia">

Elements can have more than one attribute.

Elements can contain other elements.

  1. In that case, the one inside is known as a child element and the one outside is the parent element.

  2. If there are multiple levels of nesting, then all the elements inside an outer element are its descendants.


Most attributes only make sense on specific elements.

  1. href="" is for <a> elements, to specify where to take the user when they click the link.

  2. src="" is for <img> elements, to specify the url of the image to load.

  3. for="" is for <label> elements, to specify which input element it is paired with.

Some attributes can be put on almost any element, like class="" or id="".

​Any id should only be used once per document.

A class can and should be used repeatedly.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- where we tell the browser how to process the document: -->
        <!-- what title to put in the browser tab -->
        <!-- what style sheets to load -->
        <!-- what language to use -->
          <!-- we will always use a character set called UTF-8 -->
          <!-- UTF-8 allows for all languages as well as things like emoji -->
    <!-- content displayed to user -->


You'll need to sign up for a Replit account, a cloud-based code editing environment

You can sign in with your GitHub account if you want.

Click the blue "Fork REPL" button in the top-right corner to get a workspace to play around in.

Read the code, modify the code, play around and make sure that you understand every single line. Ask any questions that occur to you.

Basic HTML Content

Open Replit Workspace

HTML Lists

Open Replit Workspace


There's one more essential element <form>.

We can't really do anything with forms right now, since HTML can't process input — it's a formatting language.

We'll learn about forms after we learn enough Ruby and Ruby on Rails to do things with user input.

Anything confusing, unclear or fuzzy about HTML?

<iframe src="" width="1100px" height="600px"></iframe>


Mozilla Developer Network, MDN
