In this assignment, you’ll set up the tools we’ll use to write, run, and store our code. You’ll also create a web page — for some of you, perhaps your first one!
Please note:
The user interfaces of the tools we use have changed a bit since this video was recorded. If you can’t find the new location of a button, menu, etc, please ask on Piazza. When you get to the green “Create workspace in Gitpod” button, it might take a while to become clickable. Wait 2-3 minutes, and then ask about it if it still hasn’t become clickable. The first time you launch into Gitpod, it may ask you which editor you want to use. Choose “VSCode (browser)”.
We’re trying out a new video hosting system, with a clickable autoscrolling transcript of the video. It might be helpful to add this Chrome extension in order to easily skip back/forward by 10 seconds if you missed something and need to take another look. With all that said: here’s the link to the video walkthrough. Please follow along with it. The button that I click in the video to load the assignment is located below this text.