Keep A Digital Scratchpad

28 Mar 2020

This gives you the benefit of a more detailed record of your daily activity. Anytime you read a blog or code example save the link in your daily notes. Keep code snippets. Have a place to draft ideas.

I keep my daily notes in markdown. This allows me to easily add code snippets. This also makes it easy to keep in version control (git) and in a cloud repository (bitbucket) for safekeeping. I keep the notes in a folder called notes, with folders for years/months. Every day I create a new file. For example, 2020-03– They usually have a pretty similar layout.

# todo

# notes
Helpful article

# timesheet
* 8-830 write blog
* 830-12 work on specific code task
* 1-5 meeting with team

That’s about it. It’s nice keeping a ‘scratchpad’.